Saturday, 8 June 2013

Today I wore: Vintage and New!

Today I wore, for a busy day at work on the shop floor... 
Topshop Joni Jeans (Perfect partner to anything cropped), a 'Vintage' Marks and Spencer (St Michael) Sunflower crop top, and my faithful Converse (A must for running up and down stairs and climbing ladders - VM style). 

I picked up this top from a charity shop a couple of years ago. It's kinda been sat in my wardrobe for a while; made redundant with this mass of wintery weather we've had, and my lack of high waist bottom options to wear with it. Thankfully the sun is out! And the current High waist nature of disco pants and array of jeans such as the Topshop Joni, means all those crop tops are much easier to wear. This sunflower print is similar to that seen across American Apparel product this season, which has inspired me to re-embrace this retro Crop top :-)

American Apparel Sunflower Print product

What ya think? I love mixing old and new, for a unique look.

L x

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